Shea oil vs Jojoba oil. Which is better for skin and hair?
I am a big fan of using natural ingredients for my hair & skin. I have read many beauty tips and articles online about oils suitable for your skin, hair, and health. Some of them are also used in cooking. The most popular ones are Shea oil, Coconut oil, Castor oil, and Olive oil. There was one particular article that had a question and answer section.
One of the questions was, "I have dry hair & skin. Can I use jojoba oil?". The article answered that it is better to use Shea oil rather than Jojoba oil for your dry skin and hair. It also mentioned that Shea oil is a good source of Vitamin A, B, and E.
I decided to find out more about the different kinds of oils available and their benefits for skin & hair.
Shea Butter Oil Vs. Jojoba oil: Which is better?
What is Shea Oil:
Shea oil is used for hydrating and moisturising skin and hair. It is extracted from the nuts of the Shea tree. Shea oil is a by- product, during the production of Shea Butter. It does not have a strong smell like that of castor oils, coconut oils, etc. It is yellow and has a slight nutty smell.
Shea Oil is often confused with Jojoba oil. Both are similar, but they're very different too!
What is Jojoba Oil:
Jojoba oil is a liquid wax extracted from the seeds of the Jojoba plant. It has a very similar molecular structure to that of human sebum, making it highly beneficial to the skin & hair. The oil is odourless, colourless, and lightweight.
The name Jojoba is derived from the Spanish name "xihuitl", meaning 'Jojoba Fruit". The plant is also commonly known as the "American oil tree" or the "Simmondsia Chinensis". Native Americans of Arizona and California have used it for many years. The plant can grow up to 5 meters (16 feet) with a life span of 200-300 years.
Shea Butter Oil Vs. Jojoba Oil: Which is better?
Shea oil has been used for centuries to soften and moisturize skin & hair. Shea oil can be found in many cosmetics and beauty products around the world. It is also used as a natural remedy for skin conditions such as acne, psoriasis, stretch marks etc. It is known for its anti-aging and skin regenerating properties.
Jojoba oil is used to treat various skin conditions, including acne, burns, dry skin, wrinkles etc. It is also used as a hair conditioner and prevents the scalp from getting oily.

Shea oil is loaded with Vitamin E that helps to promote the growth of healthy skin cells. The oil nourishes and conditions your hair & skin, making it soft and supple. It also prevents premature aging of the skin.
Jojoba oil contains many fatty acids, which help keep your scalp moisturized and clean. It prevents your hair from getting greasy and is also beneficial for treating scalp conditions such as dandruff, psoriasis, etc.
Shea Oil Vs. Jojoba Oil: Which is better? PROS AND CONS
Shea Oil PROS:
1. It is cheaper than Jojoba oil.
2. The oil has been used for thousands of years in Africa, Europe, and Asia as a hair conditioner, skin moisturizer, and natural remedy for various problems such as psoriasis/acne/eczema.
3. It is a rich source of Vitamin E, which acts as an anti-wrinkle agent and helps repair damaged skin cells.
4. The oil can be used safely by anyone. It will never cause any irritation or side effects if used in the recommended quantities.
5. Shea Butter Oil has anti-inflammatory properties.
Shea Butter Oil CONS
1. It might not be as effective for treating scalp issues like dandruff, psoriasis, etc., as compared to Jojoba oil.
Jojoba Oil PROS
1. Jojoba oil is cold-pressed, so there are no chemical residues, unlike refined oils, which are processed using various chemicals under high temperatures.
2. Jojoba oil has been used effectively for many years in treating various scalp and hair problems, including acne and psoriasis.
3. The unrefined/ Virgin form of Jojoba oil lasts longer than refined varieties, and you don't have to worry about the oil getting rancid.
4. Jojoba oil is good for treating scalp conditions like dandruff, psoriasis, etc., because it has anti-inflammatory properties and is non sticky & oily when applied on the skin/scalp.
Jojoba Oil CONS:
1. It is expensive compared to Shea Butter Oil and might not be affordable for everyone.
2. You need a good quality vitamin E oil if you want Jojoba oil to have anti-aging benefits. If it is synthetic, then there are no benefits of using it as a skin moisturizer etc.
Shea Butter Oil Vs. Jojoba Oil: Which is better?
Shea Butter Oil & Jojoba oil are both great natural remedies for treating various skin conditions, keeping your scalp clean, moisturizing hair and promoting a youthful look. However, the advantages of using one over the other vary depending on certain factors like preference, budget etc.
Although there are certain cons of using Shea oil compared to Jojoba oil, we would highly recommend Shea oil because it lasts longer and is better for treating various scalp conditions such as dandruff/psoriasis/acne than pure. It also has anti-aging properties, which will keep your skin looking younger and healthier.
As far as the pricing is concerned, Shea Oil is cheaper than Jojoba oil, so you can treat your hair and skin easily without hurting the purse strings too much. Both oils are natural remedies for promoting healthy skin, but you need to experiment a bit if you want to know which one suits your hair and skin type.
P.S: We recommend using natural ingredients every time you are planning to make something at home because they are safe for all skin and hair types to get the desired results. Natural ingredients are readily available online, so it is easy to include them in your everyday beauty regimen without spending much.